Saturday, December 15, 2012

Colour discovery

Holiday is the best time to discover more about you.

Taking the time to relax, to discover, to rediscover, to be adventurous.. whatever you want to do or be.. you can

Flying tomorrow and instead of my paint brushes and canvas. I will take my camera on an expedition. A friend of mine recommended that I read the book Colour from Victoria Finlay - they don't have it in stock at the moment ;-D - and because I am leaving tomorrow it is little short notice to seek in all Sydney for it.. Nevertheless, I found some preview on her book and some comments...

"On a journey that takes her from Afghanistan to the Australian outback, to ancient caves in China and the saffron harvest in Spain, Victoria Finlay gives an account of the history of colour. Part travelogue, part narrative history, this study unlocks the history of the colours of the rainbow and reveals how paints came to be invented, discovered, traded and used. It remembers a time when red paint really was the colour of blood, when orange was the poison pigment, blue as expensive as gold and yellow made from the urine of cows force-fed with mangoes. It looks at how green was carried by yaks along the silk road, and how an entire nation was founded on the colour purple. "Colour" lifts the lid on the historical palette and unearths a wealth of stories about the quest for colours and our efforts to understand them."

After reading this, I was even more inspired to start my journey - my holiday - in find the story behind every colours, behind ever person that is wearing colours..

Be prepared for some pictures....

Something that I have never published and I was so happy to have witness this and I feel this the time of the year to do it.. a little present from me to you. A rainbow of colours and I can see some little silhouette..

Happy Festive Seasons and May 2013 be the best year of your life in all aspects.